October 2021 Newsletter
Dear PMBHA members,
There are a few news items and a reminder that has prompted us to send you another newsletter fairly soon after the last one. Many thanks to those of you who wrote us emails of support, we really appreciate the positive feedback. Thank you also to those who volunteered to be trained up to use the underwater camera, the box being made for it is almost finished.
I would like to remind all the annual berth holders to please complete the marina customer satisfaction survey and to thank those who have already done so. The purpose of the survey is to provide feedback to the Marina Management about customer satisfaction, demographics and future plans. Plus, it’s helpful information for us at PMBHA too. Please only take part in the survey if you are an annual berth holder (i.e. have a Gwynedd Council Contract). You will find it on our website https://www.pmbha.co.uk/ it’s the first tab after HOME. Please answer all the questions then press the SUBMIT button. The survey will close on 22/10/2021.
A new addition to the marina is a defibrillator, available 24/7. PMBHA have had this on their wish list for some time and so we are really pleased to see it finally in place.
The Pwllheli Harbour Consultative Committee meeting took place last week and Jenny attended it on behalf of PMBHA. The Committee’s main function is to consider, discuss and advise on matters relating to the management, safety and development of the Harbour and to receive Member’s observations on matters relating to Pwllheli Harbour. The Committee is a non-statutory Harbour Committee, set up in accordance with Council approval. The meeting documents, including the report to the Committee can be found on the Council’s website: https://democracy.gwynedd.llyw.cymru/ieListDocuments.aspx?MId=4324&x=1
Jenny’s notes of key points from the meeting are below.
Pwllheli Harbour Consultative Committee (12/10 2021) notes:
Port Marine Safety Code
The Port Marine Safety Code ('PMSC') sets out a national standard for every aspect of port marine safety. Its aim is to enhance safety for everyone who uses or works in the port marine environment. It applies to all Statutory Harbour Authorities. Pwllheli harbour has been inspected and audited and found to comply completely with the safety code.
Strategic review-Hafan and Pwllheli Harbour
This is a project to achieve a strategic review of long term management arrangements for Hafan and Pwllheli harbour as a whole. It includes management, investment and development of the Glandon and harbour areas. The project has been delayed due to COVID but is now moving forward. I asked what changes we might see on and around the marina and was told that any changes would only be improvements. I also asked whether possible uses for the old sailing club building would be included in the review. I was told that the building is being used as a community resource for children but Plas Heli (who run the building) are currently considering a number of possible multiple uses for different parts of the building.
Royal Smals are likely to start work in Pwllheli around the first/second week in November. A Notice to Mariners will be issued when work is to start. They will focus on the channel and the mouth of the harbour, work should be completed by mid-December. Once work is complete a new hydrographic survey will be conducted to check depths. They are also investigating new ways to remove the silt, e.g. putting it in bags, letting it dry out and then taking it away by lorry. Longer-term, there is also a plan to dredge the whole marina. This is likely to involve moving boats around but probably will not happen until 2022/3.
Fees and Charges 2022/3
No decisions have been made yet but the aim is to keep any increases minimal. There is concern about the rising cost of energy and the cost of heating the showers, supplying electricity to pontoons etc. The council are also considering some form of loyalty discount for customers who have stayed during these difficult times. A decision will be made by the end of the year. However, I stress that nothing is definite yet!
Hafan Slipway
Although the on-line registration system for vessels being launched is generally working well, many boats launched by Park and Launch operators are not registered. Stricter measures will be introduced for 2022. This will include additional security in the form of a locked security barrier, increased charges and additional staff being employed to ensure compliance at all times.
Department of Transport Consultation Paper
The Department of Transport consultation paper on “Strengthening enforcement of the dangerous use of recreational and personal watercraft” https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/strengthening-enforcement-of-the-dangerous-use-of-recreational-and-personal-watercraft
was discussed. The committee agreed that the legislation should be strengthened and will send a statement to maritimesafety@dft.gov.uk.
Car Parking
This was agreed to be a major issue during busy times, affecting everyone in the area. There will be a meeting of all parties (Hafan, Plas Heli, other businesses) to try and resolve the issue.
New Pwllheli Lifeboat
The crew and support have settled into the new station and have already had a couple of call outs. Six new crew members have been recruited.
Don’t forget to check out the website, all the news (and more) is there: https://www.pmbha.co.uk/
Happy boating everyone!
Best regards
Jenny Moss (Chair) and Committee Members of PMBHA Interim Committee