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Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your support of Cyngor Gwynedd and understanding in complying with the lockdown of the Hafan.


Your Committee have been working constantly to obtain as much information and instructions as possible from the Maritime Office at Cyngor Gwynedd.


I would also like to thank the Committee for all their help which is ongoing.


The Association's priority is to, one protect life and, two to mitigate the effects of the lockdown.


The support and understanding of Berth Holders is well understood by the Maritime Officers.  However, key decisions have been hampered somewhat with delays by the Welsh Government and Cyngor Gwynedd.


We are all concious that boats are a valuable asset and expensive to operate and maintain.  The PMBHA will help guide Members to mitigate and recover expenses and any costs incurred due to the current lockdown situation.


However, the PMBHA cannot become involved in individual negotiations between a Member and the Hafan/Harbour Management.


We would recommend that individual Berth Holders retain any receipts and relevant details of losses and register their potential claim with the Maritime Office, Cyngor Gwynedd.  They should also seek to mitigate any potential or actual losses.


We will continue to post as much information and advice as possible on our website.


Thank you,


David Dewsbury


PMBHA  25/3/20

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