Dear PMBHA members,
Hope everyone is well. The weather seems a bit warmer, let’s hope it remains like that!
Your Interim Committee has continued to be busy and have had more Zoom meetings. We have a few updates that we wanted to share with you:
PMBHA website has a new look, check it out at . We are still working on it but it should be easy to navigate. Our newsletters are clearly displayed, we will have a market place for small ads, there are tabs for events, photos and others.
Jenny (Chair) and Ruth (Secretary) are meeting (virtually) with Barry Davies (Maritime Officer) and Wil Williams (Marina Manager) in early March.
I will also be representing berth holders at the Pwllheli Harbour Consultative Committee Meeting mid March. We will share any news from this meeting in our next newsletter.
Boat checking in the marina (after the stormy weather) was mentioned by a few people after our last newsletter. The marina has assured us that they do regular checks and the staff have been seen out there in all weathers. If you do have a particular concern though, then the marina said you should just give them a ring.
Hope everyone has received the latest marina newsletter. We have heard of a few people who haven’t, so if you missed it, the link to it is here . The marina has also updated their brochure for 2021 but are not printing any this year. It is available to download from their website (same link).
The biggest news item from the marina, which they did not mention up front in the newsletter, is that the marina pontoon fees have been set for 2021/2022 and they have been pegged at the 2020/2021 prices. There is a marginal increase when electricity is included but the increase is only approximately £8.40 per annum (eg is for a 10 metre boat). This means that there is virtually no price increase and effectively represents a percentage saving of the rate of inflation. There are increases in visitor berthing and outer mooring fees please refer to Hafan brochure and on their website.
Finally, I would like to re-remind everyone that we are trying to update our membership list for PMBHA by matching email addresses with boats and owners. You will see a pale yellow sheet about this included in your marina contract letters when you get them in the post. Please fill in the form on the pale yellow sheet and return with the contract or email us ASAP so we can sort this out.
Stay safe and hope to see everyone back at the marina soon!
Best regards,
Jenny Moss (Chair) and Committee Members of PMBHA Interim Committee.