Dear all,
As this is the first newsletter in 2022, Happy New Year! Hope you have all weathered the recent storms OK and are looking forward to boating in 2022.
Your committee has been discussing marina issues with the marina management ((Barry - Gwynedd Maritime Officer and Wil - Marina Manager) and there is quite a lot to report:
Hafan annual berth holder fees 2022/23:
No final decision has been taken yet on fees. The final decision will be up to Gwynedd Council and is likely to be taken in March.
Due to increasing energy prices, the cost of electricity on pontoons is almost certain to increase. The difference between pontoon berthing with electricity and without electricity (currently £22.22 per metre) is likely to increase by at least 9%. We have asked whether other “benefits” could be given as loyalty discount instead of cash, e.g. a free lift out, but this is not possible as it is not applicable to all boats.
If members have any concerns regarding 2022/23 fees, Barry and Wil have said that members are welcome to contact them. Please let us know if you want any contact details.
A new bridge gate has been installed, final adjustments are being made at present. Fobs will not be distributed until beginning of April. We have suggested that a small number should be trialled before then to iron out any teething problems.
Sea-based dredging is complete for now. The area from the end of the pontoons to the fuelling area and up to Partingtons has been dredged. The stilling lagoon is now full and some sand has been added to the stockpile. The seaward entrance to the channel has not been dredged yet but will be dredged using land-based equipment in May, when the tides will be sufficiently low. The channel is currently narrow but has improved and should improve further once land-based dredging is complete. Please be cautious when navigating the channel.
A hydrographic and topographic survey has been completed and is available to view (zoom in to pics at bottom of newsletter). Apart from the narrow channel entrance the depths look quite improved.
Marina management appointment:
Some of you may have seen that a post of Commercial and Business manager for Hafan Pwllheli was advertised at the end of last year. The successful candidate is Gerwyn Owen, current CEO of Welsh Yachting. He will start at the Hafan in June 2022.
Bike storage:
A new bike storage shed is being built and will be located by the entrance to the skip compound.
Car parking:
No further discussions have taken place yet.
We are aiming to have a face to face AGM and social event in April. We don’t have the details yet but will send around a notice in March, so please look out for our email.
Don’t forget to check out the website, all the news (and more) is there:
Happy boating everyone!
Best regards
Jenny Moss (Chair) and Committee Members of PMBHA Interim Committee.